Saturday, August 29, 2015

Number 2

Today, I am 22 weeks. This pregnancy has been flying by, as my body grows in all its familiar places. 

With my first, everything was new and exciting. Time seemed to freeze at each small milestone. I changed from a woman into a mother. It was a special moment, experiencing so many new things with a growing Leon over those 9 months. 

But, there is also something special to be said about the second time. With this baby, there is a familiarity that I couldn't have with Leon. I rang in the 2nd trimester with leg cramps I knew all too well. My morning sickness cut out at the expected 10 weeks. I recognized without a doubt the popcorn butterflies of those first little kicks.  I find some comfort knowing my body can stretch even more without breaking and that a part of the fridge should be reserved solely for Lunchables Pizzas.

It is not to say that this time is without differences.  My baby belly arrived sooner, to include an outie belly button making its debut at the end of 1st trimester.  I am pleased to learn that my stomach can tolerate salads and the smell of Tony's morning coffee this time. I have learned balancing pregnancy with a 2-year-old is not for the faint of heart; an active little boy (and his fur-partner-in-crime) won't slow down for a tired mommy. 

This child will not have the same opportunities for "firsts" as Leon has had. But, that too will be beautiful. There will be space for sharing and learning in a less rocky sea because of those completed firsts. I look forward to welcoming the "seconds!"

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