Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Future

Since Tony and I have been together, every year has felt pretty darn great.  We have been so blessed to have one another, and that feeling has filled us with happiness year after year.  At this time last December, life felt pretty complete as we set up our Christmas tree, baked cookies, and wrapped presents together.

Then, this little fur ball arrived in mid-December.

And, suddenly Tony and I could no longer imagine how life had ever felt complete without him.  With his comical expressions, food-begging antics, expert cuddling skills, and laughable (at best) attempts at fetching, he has brought Tony and I so much happiness over the past year.

God willing, next year this photo will contain 2 little rascals.  Our hearts are already growing with the love for our little baby on the way.  I look hopefully towards future Christmases, filled with the distinct new personality to join us in the coming year.  I fully expect lots of dirty diapers, late-night wake-up calls, and scattered toys on the living room floor.  But, I know that this new addition will leave us again wondering... how had life ever felt full before?

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