Friday, July 19, 2013

Leon's Birth Story

I have never really believed in love at first sight.  I have always thought that love needs time: it grows and blossoms with the passing moments.  That was, until I met Leon. Maybe it was the cascading surge of hormones brought on by labor … that swirling combination of oxytocin, prolactin, and adrenaline rampaging my brain.  Or, maybe it was those perfect little fingers and toes… those tiny pink lips… the way he gazed up at me through puffy eyes when he was placed in my arms.  Regardless, I simply melted the moment I met my son.  Mothers (and fathers) say it all the time... but I had never seen anything more beautiful before that instant.

Leon came into this world much the same as he navigates it… impatiently.  The morning of April 15th, I started to experience the first contractions of my pregnancy.  I insisted on going to work that day.  My due date was still over a week away, and I did not want to waste any of my coveted maternity leave on a false alarm.  By 2:30pm, I had seen all of my patients, but my contractions were steadily approaching one another.  By the time Tony and I arrived at the hospital for a quick check, it was clear that Leon was ready to come… I was already 5 cm dilated!

My labor started quite uneventfully.  The epidural worked like a charm and Tony and I were comfortably settled into our private room.  Everything was progressing well as the contractions were becoming regular and closer together.  It seemed that, like my pregnancy, everything would go smoothly and without a hitch.

However, at 9:35pm, something went terribly wrong.  My little baby’s heart rate began to precipitously drop... first into the 60’s and then lower into the 50’s... then 40’s.  Suddenly, the room was filled with doctors and nurses.  Despite rapidly turning and repositioning me, his heart rate continued to dip.  I had not started to push yet, and the doctors said, “We want to take you for an emergency C-section.”  Nothing seemed to be working.

It was the single most terrifying moment of my life, as I feared for what was happening to my unborn son.  I wanted him out as quickly as possible, and begged for the chance to try and push.  I was told I was fully dilated and was tentatively given the go-ahead… 2 minutes to try for a natural delivery.  If Leon is a stubborn child someday, we will know where he gets it from… because not 2 minutes later, his little cries were heard for the first time.  His cord was tightly wrapped around his neck, but in every other way he came out without complication. 

Leon will always by my little blessing… my miracle baby.  As I see him grow and watch as he discovers the world, I am thankful for his health… knowing that fate could have dealt me a much different hand.  I think about those first few memories: touching his hair, kissing his nose, holding his hand.  I thank God that I can do that day after day.  I will never forget those first memories… in the calm after the storm... falling in love the moment I met him.

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